Saturday, January 26, 2008


The greatest part of being who I am are my brothers. I've got lots of them. The three that are closest to me are Keith, Khidhr and Idrees. I love these men so much that it takes my breath away. They are nowhere close in age, Keith being 43, Khidhr 20, and the baby Idrees is 18. Here's a little about each of them:

  • Keith aka KD: He and I grew up in the same house. We share the same Mom and Dad. We've always been close, and although our lives have gone in different directions, we keep each other grounded, and love unconditionally. KD is the idealist of my brothers. Unfortunately not everyone is as honest, has as much integrity or compassion as he does. Needless to say he's been through some twists and turns haven't been anticipated. I know he'll triumph against any adversity put in is path, he just has to believe it in his heart too!

  • Khidhr: He and I share the same Dad. He's the more spiritual of our ragtag band of merrymakers. He's also a realist who takes whatever he's given and not only makes lemonade, but lemon pie, lemon cake, and lemon chicken. When I grow up I'd like to have his faith.

  • Idrees: He's the baby, the last button on Abraham's jacket. He's our herbologist, botonist, and entomologist. When I first met him, he and Khidhr took me around the mountain they lived on in St. Croix and showed me the different bugs and plant life as well as explained the purpose of each.

As I've stated before I love my brothers They are definitely men who make Daddy proud. The each have his intelligence, sensitivity, looks, and sense of humor. Can't imagine my life without them. I truly hope you are blessed with brothers like mine.

Stay blessed,


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