Sunday, January 06, 2008

I'm seriously thinking of investing in a MAC

Hence the reason I try to never say "never". My HP desktop has given me so much trouble these past 3 months, that I'm truly ready to sell it on ebay to anyone for a song at this point. Mind you I've not yet had it for a year

Now I'm a PC woman deep in my heart, but I have to tell you I don't hear half as many complaints about MAC as I do the PC.

The price is the major inhibitor right now. Also learning a new way of computing after umpteen years of what I'm used to is also a bit daunting. Eh maybe I'll just take my laptop over to Austin and beg my friend Marsha to fix it for me. Of course, there's Teresa in San Antonio...hmmm, she loves to cook..hmm.I could let her cook for me in between fixing my pc. Of course I'd return the favor and eat everything off my plate and load the dishwasher LOL. then I could drive her over to Austin and we can have lunch with Marsha instead. I don't think Marsha likes to cook as much as Teresa does, so I wouldn't want to put her on the spot.

Whew, moment of insanity over. Leave it to my Girlfriend to assist in resolving my issues. Now, I just have to call her to tell her the good news about not buying a MAC and let her know I'm coming over.

Be blessed,


MacLady said... made me happy...then dropped me like that.


Authortee said...

You know what I thought when I read the first part of your post ... "Oh, no." I relaxed when I saw you decided against it. They're not worth the money and the pc can do everything the mac can do. But you know me, I don't get into the mac vs pc debate.

Let me know when you're coming and I'll fire up the pots. -)