Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy 2008

Like quite a few people I've mapped out a few changes needed in my lifestyle. I'm not calling them resolutions, because that immediately means I'm going to ignore them. Instead I'm labeling them, quality of life improvement suggestions.

After speaking with several close girlfriends, I see that my suggestions for myself are similar to their own:

  • weight loss - general physical health
  • financial management
  • healthy emotional attachments
  • mental stability (well what would pass for stability in my family)
  • Spiritual growth
  • Shakin the haters off

I guess what I'm seeking most of all in my life is balance. Not just that catch phrase employers use "work/life balance", but real harmony of all the components of my life.

In an effort to obtain some of this harmony, I'm taking advantage of all the technology out there instead of shunning it, or (as I've been in the past), acquiring it and doing a half assed job of using it.

My Treo, Quicken, Turbo Tax, Outlook and my IPod have all be drafted in the war against complacency. I learned that the biggest battle is not in calling up the troops, but setting up the process. Normally it wouldn't be an issue, but having to reinstall all the software on my laptop last week after a major computer glitch, has left me information free. My penance for not backing up my data once again, is recreating it. As I've heard told, those who do not learn from history, are doomed to repeat it

On another front, my just turned 19 last month year old son and his 19 year old girlfriend are expecting their first child. They've moved in together in preparation for the event, and hopefully what will become a life long loving commitment to each other for them. Yes, I do read Harlequin Romances. What more can I say? Crying myself to sleep for a week didn't stop the baby from developing. Life is what it is and once I realized that my choices are not their choices, and more over IT'S NOT MY FAULT, I was able to move on. I pray my granddaughter will be a healthy, happy well adjusted little girl.

Striking balance in this area of my life means closing my checkbook, and reclaiming my credit cards. After stepping in many times to save them from one financial mistake after the other for the past two months, they are no closer to managing money responsibly. Instead my savings have taken a huge hit from a WMD, and my sleep pattern was once again disrupted. I've survived a few incidents of electricity, water, phones, being cut off. Guess it's their turn to learn the hard way.

Lots more to talk about but it's time to take my doglets for an outing, stop off at the store for rice, and apply Dark and Lovely #377 to the roots of my beautiful locs...again.

Go out and make this year your best ever,

Be well,



MacLady said...

It is day 3 into the new year. how're your 'quality of life improvement suggestions' going?

Have you mapped out a plan for them?

I'm definitely making some also. Good luck to both of us in 2008!

Cee said...

So far so good. I believe by taking it in small steps and not trying to consume big hunks of improvements, we'll both succeed

MacLady said...

You are so right about the small steps.
How do you eat an elephant? One step at a time! :)