Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mark 4:39 (ESV)

"And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace! Be still!" And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm."

I was talking with a young friend earlier today. I had spoken to her in the middle of last year, telling to stop handing things over to God and then taking them back. I admit that it's still something that I struggle with from time to time.

Today she turned my words back on me today with relish and glee. She said to me the following:
  •  The relationship I keep saying I "should" want was being defined by forces outside myself. 
  •  I was doing myself a disservice if I did not ignore those voices and instead listen to my inner voice.
  • Until I did just that, I would not find "MY" mate, and pointed out (once again) her first husband was not her first love. 
  • She's now married to her first love, and so very happily so. 
  • It's time to let go of the  "should" and keep an open mind and accept what is. 
  • I already met "MY" mate, but I'm blocking the blessing that is right in front of me. 
I'm not sure exactly how she figures/knows the last to be true, but since she had spoken words of wisdom moments earlier, I'm not discounting anything.

As I heard the voice of  another friend earlier this evening, I "felt" the words "Peace! Be Still!", and a feeling of calm enveloped me. Not sure exactly what's about to happen but I'm ready to be still, have an open mind and accept whatever blessing, in whatever form God has for me.

Be blessed,

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