Sunday, December 06, 2009

The "Joys" of being single/Taking care of me

Some days they are immeasurable. Then there are the other days when being single is a hassle. No one to talk to, no one to tell if if that picture is hung straight.

I love coming and going as I please, but do wish that I had someone to come and go with me. Oh well, until that happens, I'll keep making time to do the things I love, and learn how to start taking care of me first. My son said to me years ago "why would you expect others to treat you better than you treat yourself?" So these next 5 years are going to be about me treating myself better. No so much materially (I drive Gloria so I'm happy), but both mental and physical health.

We as women (and especially Black Women) are always the last to think of putting ourselves first. For me that means taking the time (and investing the money) with dentists, doctors, dermatologists and yes even going to the gym. I'm considering Lasik surgery for next year's gift to me. Time will tell if I get the courage to go through with it.

I challenge you to make your own 5 year plan. Yes, it's true we're not promised tomorrow, but suppose we are here 5 years into the future? Look at it this way. If we are blessed 5 years are going to pass, wouldn't it be a bonus to find yourself to be a better you?

Stay blessed,

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where does the time go?

We're almost through October. 2009 Has flown by. Because of all the ups/downs/twists/turns, Six Flags will be contacting me for their newest roller coaster prototype.

I'm not the only one it seems. Close friends and family are experiencing the same thing. Hopefully we'll all be on an even keel soon.

Sending out good vibes to each of you. May His blessings overflow your life. Remember to share them with those in need.

Stay blessed,

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Working my way back to stability.

It has been more than a challenge these past few months. I have had my share (and fill) of passive/aggressive people. I've been observing people and their habits for years, and I still don't understand why people insist on making themselves the victim.

I can't get enough of those who are positive and refused to become victims, despite what life hands them. I wish I could take some of their essence and give it to those who could use it. However, on second thought, they'd probably complain that there wasn't enough or some such thing.

I have several friends who are going through hell right now. All I can do is stand helplessly by, at a great distance. I pray for them, and ask you to do the same.

I'm hoping your difficulties are turning into blessings. I hope your joy is just a heart beat away, yet lasts a life time. I pray that you will go out and greet the day and meet all it has to offer with an open mind, instead of waiting to see what will happen to you.

I'm taking deep breaths to keep my head clear (and up) and am reveling in life and all it's ups and downs. Won't you join me?

Be blessed,

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Fuss and her DaDa

Now and then. Definitely a love thang.


I was talking to a good friend (more like a sister than friend) last week. She, like myself is a single parent. One of the things that I mentioned to her is that I wanted to have a 50th birthday party, but unless I organize and pay for it, its not going to happen. We talked about how that is the downside of being single. The lack of companionship. Not having someone who really knows you as you are now.

For 2.5 weeks, I battled a migraine, and although my son and his GF came by, I was still alone. The worst would hit at night when just as I would manage to almost fall asleep, a siren or a loud car radio would jolt me back from the edge. It was at those times when I wished there was someone beside me so I didn't hurt so much in the dark, by myself.

Yes I prayed and yes I took the meds and did as I know to do to relieve the pain. Yet and still, just having a mate who would tell me to relax, ask if I wanted water, remind me to wake up to take meds, and really just breathe beside me would have been wonderful.

I'm back on my feet again, and feeling blessed to have made it though. Back to the party thought. Yes I can indeed throw my own party, and Lord knows, my mate may not know how to organize his way out of a paper bag LOL. For me the importance would be he is MY mate, who would stand beside me sharing the blessing of (hopefully) reaching the 1/2 century mark. He'd celebrate with my (and our) closest friends, our combined families. We'd both be strong in the knowledge that this is the good times, and we have only to lean on each other to make it though the bad times. Idealistic? Probably. Unrealistic? Not hardly

Am I destined to continue this journey alone?

God bless,

Fuss is growing

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Weekend with Fuss

I had a ball! I think she had a good time too. We played, watched TV (whodda thunk 14 month old babies like TV?), we walked, we had a play date, and we went to visit relatives.

The part I think she liked best was when I gave her a cup of jello and a spoon. Then I told her to go for it, and that wiggly stuff had my baby talking and laughing when it went in unexpected places. Ummm I'm sure that "Shout" will get the red color out of her new dress.

She followed the dog (Doh DOH to her) around, feeding her whatever was at hand.

I love seeing this precious baby discover, investigate, run, laugh, point and chat.

I'm looking forward to our next weekend.

So blessed!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Looking Back

I can't believe I'm sitting here crying as I look at this picture taken almost 45 years ago. The adorable baby is now a beautiful, strong man. I am so proud of him, he's not only my brother, but also my best friend. He's got my back no matter what.

My Grandmas are gone now, but while they were here; Lord how they loved us.

We received thousands of kisses, tons of encouragement, and knowledge that building a future doesn't mean dishonoring our past. Add to that love beyond measure, compassion and the ability to know right from wrong, and a wicked/warped/silly/raunchy sense of humor, and you got my Grandma's down pat.

For me, it is how life is supposed to be, I don't know any different.

Acknowledging my blessings

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Lest We Forget: God is running this here thang!

Earlier today I was watching HGTV. Something I tend to do all day on Sunday. I had a few errands to run, and was thinking bout getting around to doing them. The day was overcast and cool, and I was deciding between a heavy sweater or a coat. All of a sudden the sky got black, then this really horrible sound started. I went to the window and discovered it was haiing! Nice big gravel sized pellets were pouring out of the sky. Between the noise of it hitting the metal carport and the thunder, it was really quite a racket. Not five minutes later, buckets of rain came from the sky. It was hard and heavy. Ten minutes after that, we were back to overcast and cool.

Forty-five minutes later, the same weather was repeated. I guess in case a few folk didn't get the message the first time, God was letting everyone know, I've got this, and you in the palm of my hand. You don't control jack!

Not long after that, I had some bad news, my cousin had passed away. I'll write about that later, as it still sets me back on my heels when I think about it.

I admit that I am a little more humbled tonight than when I woke up this morning.

Be blessed,

Monday, February 23, 2009

Wow, it's been more than a minute since I've been here

On one hand so much has happened in this, the first quarter of 2009.  On the other hand, I'm wondering what else can happen in this first quarter of 2009.

I've had some really good things, and some really bad things happen to me personally.  Not to worry, I'm not bipolar, in fact that's the only thing I'm sure I'm not.  I've gained and lost the same 6 pounds, three times already.  That's the fault of King Arthur's scone mix, and double devon cream.

I'm currently fighting allergies, and I'm sad to say too many times, they win.  My family is healthy, if not always happy, and so far we've managed to keep our jobs, roofs over our heads, and food in our stomachs.  Not an easy accomplish in these economic times

I'm hoping you and yours are keeping safe, and appreciating each other for the gifts you have.

Battered, but still blessed

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

By His Grace and Mercy, in a few hours

I will be a witness to history being made. I can't help but remember all those who gave their lives for this moment. In particular, I'm remembering my loved ones who are no longer here to see the dream come true. It is for them, my Grand daughter and for America that I cast my vote on November 7, 2007.

President Elect Obama, I pray you have the strength, wisdom, compassion and the courage of your convictions to steer the ship of state with a steady hand, I also pray that no weapon formed against you prosper.

Once again I am blessed,

Saturday, January 03, 2009

RIP Grandpa

Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of my Granpa's passing. It's funny but it doesn't seem like he's gone. JB has so many of his ways. I have so many wonderful memories of him, and I can still hear him cracking jokes in my ear.

Arnold Sherman Whitten was a quiet man, who loved his family fiercely. He was a slender man who made up in greatness what he lacked in stature.

I miss ya Gramps, you would have gotten a kick out of the upcoming inauguration.

The Holidays Over

Wow they went by fast.

I'm so broke I can't pay attention. Now I have to take down the tree, put away the decorations, and clean up the leftovers that may still be hiding in the fridge.

Fuss seemed to have a good time. She'll be a year old next Sunday! She received a bike, some toys and lots of clothing. She also had many people holding and kissing her, I was surprised she wasn't waterlogged LOL. She hung in for almost 10 hours, but the next two days were not really good for her. She was over tired. On the third day she slept 12 straight hours and woke up with a smile. Since then she's been the usual smiley faced little joy bringer we're so in love with.

I'm still happily Freecycling, both giving and receiving. Got Fuss a bike helmet and a baby gate, the latter I'm sure she does not appreciate. Have some things to give away tomorrow. My rule is for every one thing I bring in the house 10 things must leave. I'm hoping that by the end of winter, I can actually find necessary items without burrowing through things I neither want, need, or have use for any longer.

Be blessed,