Saturday, March 21, 2009

Looking Back

I can't believe I'm sitting here crying as I look at this picture taken almost 45 years ago. The adorable baby is now a beautiful, strong man. I am so proud of him, he's not only my brother, but also my best friend. He's got my back no matter what.

My Grandmas are gone now, but while they were here; Lord how they loved us.

We received thousands of kisses, tons of encouragement, and knowledge that building a future doesn't mean dishonoring our past. Add to that love beyond measure, compassion and the ability to know right from wrong, and a wicked/warped/silly/raunchy sense of humor, and you got my Grandma's down pat.

For me, it is how life is supposed to be, I don't know any different.

Acknowledging my blessings

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