Thursday, December 06, 2012

Diagram of a Plane

Love it!

Stay blessed,


The Death of Gloria

Ever since I could remember, I wanted a fast sports car.  The color changed from day dream to day dream, but the sexy low riding car was always just that.  Back in 2007, I was able to purchase, my dream car.  Gloria the Grey Goose was her name.  I loved that car as much as anyone could love an inanimate object,  Some say irrationally.  I purchased her after my bouncing baby boy made it to college, and was a salute to me as "Mom". To me it was a symbol, that all those years of "doing without and/or making do" were not in vain.   No drugs, no arrests, no gangs, just a nice Black kid who didn't always have the best, but made the best of what he had.  I was and am extremely proud of my not so little one.  So yes, I was emotionally attached to this vehicle.  It was something I got just for  me.  The best thing about Gloria, was she was always ready to go.  She was a 6 speed manual transmission that growled and ate up the road.  That all changed the night of September 2nd.  

It's now 94 days later, and I feel her loss as if she was part of my body.  I think what still amazes me is just how upset looking at these photos make me.  

I've since obtained a new vehicle, and while it is nice, it's no Gloria.

RIP buddy.  We flew down many a road, had many an adventure, and just enjoyed being together.

Stay blessed,


When I had the chance

I admit to being a big time Boney James fan.   Have been since I heard Quinn sing "Don't let me be lonely"

This is another favorite of mine.  I've had it playing in a loop for the past hour.  

December is always a month of reflection for me.  Unfortunately, I've not taken good care of myself this past year.  Need to get back to my center and become Level once again.  Problem is, I don't know where to begin.  I've neglected both the inner and outer body.  To be honest, my first inclination is to book an appointment with a colorist and then the loctician.  From there, I want to head over to the facial and deep tissue massage person, and end with a nice mani/pedi  Which I may just do this holiday season.  More importantly, I have got to regain my inner peace.  These last two years have brought more stress to my life than the last 10 years combined.  Not a good thing.  

So once again, its time to dedicate this next year to me, and getting what I need to be the best I can be for myself.  

Hope you are well, and that the year end reflection period finds more ticks in the "Pro" side of your scorecard.

Stay blessed,


Sunday, November 04, 2012

Life with the Wookyman

Having Grandchildren is fabulous!

The posting features the Wookyman, who is soon to be the middle child. LOL.  Yep, expecting Jelly Bean to arrive in May.

My Wooky is into everything!  He follows Fuss around, and she protects and looks after him.  It's good to see the love there already.

Ready for the watermark 
Hanging around Nana's House


My Big Sister 
The Wookyman!

Whatcha doing Daddy?

Stay blessed,

Cee Level

Friday, November 02, 2012

Two hearts are always better

I was reading over my blog, and realized, that although I brag about my Wookyman on Facebook, y'all don't know him. 

Well Mr. Elijah is almost a year old.  Lordy I thought I was a gonner with my Fussalicious One, but adding my Wookyman to the mix has me...well there are no words.  I'm just doubly blessed, and yes still getting all the kisses I can.

Here's a picture of my two.  Lord I love the stuffing outta these babies.
Hoping you are blessed with whatever makes your heart beat faster, your cup runneth over, and praising God for blessing you.
Stay blessed,

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Still hanging, both in and on...

It's been a rough September which as bled into October.  The challenges and changes keep coming fast and sometimes furiously.

I'm in the midst of my last 6 classes before graduation.  I need to put more effort into school.  I barely got out alive from my last class.  My grade reflects it.

I am learning to be more patient through prayer, and that talking to God first the way to go.  I'm a work in progress, and with His mercy, will be the vessel He desires.

My Grand babies are growing.  Fuss in 4 and in pre-school and the Wookyman is almost a year old.  Oh yeah, Jelly Bean is on the way.  That's right, I'm going to have 3 babies to love on.

The good things in life keep coming, despite the bad things that are trying to become my focus.

Hoping you are all open to the blessing and not focusing on the negative.

St blessed,

Monday, April 16, 2012

My Husband

Sometimes drives me bat crap crazy.  UGH, that man can push my button from miles away.  Yesterday was one of those days, and this morning started out that way.  Yet in the midst of it, once again he's shown me how firmly he stands behind, next to and in front of me.

Behind me he's my biggest fan.  Always encouraging me to reach new heights, and to follow whatever dreams I have for myself.Next to, when he's in the thick of it with me.  In front, when he's protecting me from, and leading me.

There are many days when he's in all three places at the same time.

Needless to say, today was one of the days I'm glad we're together.  Errr yesterday, I was asking myself how on earth I got involved with a crazy man.

Whatever your relationship status, I hope you are both the giver and receiver of prayer,  love, adoration, respect, shelter, comfort, and yeah, a lil aggravation, to keep it spicy.

Stay blessed,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

On the Eve of my Son's Marriage

There are so many emotions that are swirling though me.  My thoughts are running the gamut from "He's only been potty trained 20 years", to "I'm so proud of the young man he's become".  I know y'all laughing about the potty training part.

My son is an honorable man, who despite being left behind by his father, is a terrific Daddy.  For those who parent children, you know there's a big difference.  He's a partner to my future daughter in law.  So on the eve of his wedding I say:

Son, I want you to  know that relationships are never 50/50.  In order to be successful that they must give 100/100.  There are days when you will give less and she will give more and vice versa.    Stand together in all things. Agree to disagree, and let it go.  Ensure that the sanctity of your union is preserved.  Several times each and every day, fall in love with her all over again.  Live Ephesians 5:25. Always, put God, first, then your wife.

Bear in mind that your children will look to you for guidance.   Your son as to how to treat his wife, and your daughter as to how to be treated.  The memories you both make now for them will sustain them throughout their lives.  Remember, your life is your message to your children, make it inspirational.

Be good to each other.  Your Momma loves you!

Stay blessed,