Thursday, December 06, 2012

The Death of Gloria

Ever since I could remember, I wanted a fast sports car.  The color changed from day dream to day dream, but the sexy low riding car was always just that.  Back in 2007, I was able to purchase, my dream car.  Gloria the Grey Goose was her name.  I loved that car as much as anyone could love an inanimate object,  Some say irrationally.  I purchased her after my bouncing baby boy made it to college, and was a salute to me as "Mom". To me it was a symbol, that all those years of "doing without and/or making do" were not in vain.   No drugs, no arrests, no gangs, just a nice Black kid who didn't always have the best, but made the best of what he had.  I was and am extremely proud of my not so little one.  So yes, I was emotionally attached to this vehicle.  It was something I got just for  me.  The best thing about Gloria, was she was always ready to go.  She was a 6 speed manual transmission that growled and ate up the road.  That all changed the night of September 2nd.  

It's now 94 days later, and I feel her loss as if she was part of my body.  I think what still amazes me is just how upset looking at these photos make me.  

I've since obtained a new vehicle, and while it is nice, it's no Gloria.

RIP buddy.  We flew down many a road, had many an adventure, and just enjoyed being together.

Stay blessed,


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