Sunday, April 20, 2008

We are family!!

Trevor and some of my family from our last gathering two years ago.

I am soooo looking forward to seeing my family in June. It's not often we get together, since we are scattered hither and yon, and prices for any type of travel are beyond reason when more than one person has to make the jaunt.

My cousin Sean is getting married! I'm so happy for him that I can barely contain myself. He and his bride to be are settling down not to far from us, so we'll have the pleasure of adding one more to our Saturday night movie watching and/or board game playing sessions.

Only downside is my 12 year old cousin Trevor won't be attending. My Uncle Alex suffered a stroke last year and we figured he and my Aunt Darcel would have challenges in coming. However, we were looking forward to Trevor being allowed to come and "hang" with his family. Unfortunately his parents have nixed that idea. Too bad, we don't get to see him often, and he really doesn't know us at all. He'll miss out on family togetherness, as well as meeting Fuss, and Senitra's family, and we'll be deprived of his company.

My cousins Jason and Leida won't be there either.  Jason for some unknown reason, and Leida because she has an exam.  Since they're grown, they know us, so although they'll be missed, it's not the same as not having Trev there.

He's a hoot! He's adorable, funny, smart, and well I just love him to pieces. I'm going to keep praying that his parents will change their mind, and let us buy his ticket Chicago. Heck even Fuss is getting on a plane and she'll only be 5 months old!

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