Monday, February 27, 2006

It seems I have a problem

I was in a discussion with a good friend, and she told me I was too hard on people. Me? The pushover Queen of the Universe!!!!!!!!!!!!

It seems that I'm not of this world, because I believe people should keep their word. If you can't then I think notification that "stuff has happened" is in order.

When I first meet someone, I have no expectations of them, not that they speak, act, think, or treat me a certain way. It is by their representation of themselves that I begin to get a sense of their priorities, what makes them happy, and what makes 'em sad. Hence if you say and represent yourself to me as being trustworthy, a person of your word, etc., and you consistently are not, then we have no need of further interaction, be you man, woman, or undecided. I cannot abide people who shed their person's like snakes who shed skin.

Is that being too hard? Am I naive to believe that what I see is what I get?


1 comment:

MacLady said...

hey i'm totally for the say what you mean..and mean what you say situation!

i have dated exactly ONE GUY...who was consistent...and was late only one time in the 3 or so years that we were together!

nowadays, folks with cell phones, blackberries, etc have noo excuses not to call you to say that they are going to be late...

my best excuse came from an ex that was habitually late:
"i didn't want to call you cause you'd be mad"

Um...HELLO!!! wouldnt i be madder when i didn't hear from you? Took me a few years [yeah...i was young and dumb..] to realize that he was NOT thinking of me...and how i was going to be mad...but rather himself!

again i say...'say what you mean...and mean what you say' and take the consequences...good bad or indifferent!