Sunday, September 10, 2006

Four items, 4 minutes right???? Wrong

I went to the supermarket on Friday to buy some laundry detergent, fabric softener sheets, Dawn dish soap, and Lysol cleaner. It's not often that I go in search of cleaning products, as I hate house cleaning with a strong passion, but that's for another day.

My goodness I was overwhelmed! Did I want Tide with bleach or the one for colors or just be for cold water? Should it have Downy or Febreze added, and that was after I decided whether to get it in liquid, powder or concentrated liquid. I pretty much ruled out the one for the high efficiency washers straight off the bat.

Then it was on to pick out the fabric softener sheets. I just wanted some plain original Bounce sheets. Luckily it only took me 6 minutes to locate it, because I was starting to feel inadequate.

Dawn would be easy....right....only if I knew if I wanted it with bleach alternatives, botanical, or if i wanted it to be ultra Dawn or Power Dissolver Dawn, Direct foam or with odor erasers. Ummm isn't that last one a given?

By this time I was so exhausted, that I went home. I'll tackle the Lysol cleaner next week.

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