Sunday, April 08, 2018

2018 started out with me as her bitch

In the first few weeks of 2018, I lost a sister, and had to put my much beloved McDawg down.  It pains me to know that my sister died alone and wasn't discovered for a few days. It is what most people fear about dying.

My McDawg was a rescue who found me 7.5 years earlier.  We experienced a lot of firsts together, and I was foolishly hoping she'd beat the odds and live to be 25.  Putting her down was a hard decision, but I'm glad that I chose a horrible weather day to do so.  Seeing her in pain from the cold (she had arthritis and some other issues), and knowing that she crossed the Rainbow Bridge a happy frisky puppy again brings a smile to my heart.

The Wonder Twins and I miss her terribly.  We still look for her, she's left a huge hole that cannot be filled.

I've had some not so great news, a few financial setbacks and my computer died in the midst of writing a paper.

2018 started out really rough.  Yet I'm not worried, as my comeback will far eclipse the instances of heartache and uncertainty that had me a bit off-balance for a while.

Rest in peace Tanya.

Stay blessed,