Sunday, September 09, 2018

Please send up prayers/good vibes/chants, that this week will be an improvement over the last two. Nothing earth shaking happened, and all events are manageable. I’m just not feeling them. 

On the work front:

I  spent most of the last two weeks rescheduling the rescheduled meetings that were rescheduled from the first time they were rescheduled.  Friday evening, as I’m packing to leave for the weekend…you guessed it...back to the drawing board.  

On the home front:

I came home Wednesday to find that one of the dogs, probably the Dane, tore up a corner of the carpet in the bedroom and destroyed the padding underneath. It was done behind the door, so accessing the room was indeed a challenge.  Granted my plan was to replace the carpet in the bedrooms with flooring, I didn’t mean this month!  

Thursday morning the car was hesitating about starting.  My son had borrowed my jumper box to my job just in case the battery was failing.  So glad I did, as the car wouldn’t start...battery needs replacing.  

Friday is still the same as the car needs a boost any time it’s turned off.  Now, however, the hood of the car was extremely hot for hours after I made my 9-mile trek home.  Add to that when I get in the garage I smell rubber.  Called the mechanic, and he says to bring it in, as there may be problems with my electrical system.  Worked on stats problems and wrote a paper for class.

Saturday, the middle dog ate the box of chicken I had (bones and all) and followed it up with leftover un-popped popcorn kernels.  He’s such an ass sometimes.   Grateful to a very good friend who loaned me her spare vehicle until the mechanic can fix my car.  With the need to have someone pull up the carpet and put down new flooring, and the anticipated expensive car repair, I was not looking forward to renting a vehicle at all. Spent most of the day working on statistical problems, this was in addition to the hours spent working on them this week.  I’ve racked up 17 hours of time thus far on 11 problems for TWO points! Wrote a paper for class.  Thankful again to my friend who reviewed my work and helped me write a template that can be used to resolve similar statistical nightmares as they arise.

Woke up today (all praises to God), to the smell of what the chicken and kernels did to middle dog’s system, as it was in several places on the partially destroyed carpet.  Cleaning that up was a challenge to my respiratory system. Continued to work on the 4 problems that are due by tomorrow night. There’s still another paper due as well.

While none of the above were life defining moments, it would have been great to spread them out over the next 10 years. 

Stay blessed,


Sunday, April 08, 2018

2018 started out with me as her bitch

In the first few weeks of 2018, I lost a sister, and had to put my much beloved McDawg down.  It pains me to know that my sister died alone and wasn't discovered for a few days. It is what most people fear about dying.

My McDawg was a rescue who found me 7.5 years earlier.  We experienced a lot of firsts together, and I was foolishly hoping she'd beat the odds and live to be 25.  Putting her down was a hard decision, but I'm glad that I chose a horrible weather day to do so.  Seeing her in pain from the cold (she had arthritis and some other issues), and knowing that she crossed the Rainbow Bridge a happy frisky puppy again brings a smile to my heart.

The Wonder Twins and I miss her terribly.  We still look for her, she's left a huge hole that cannot be filled.

I've had some not so great news, a few financial setbacks and my computer died in the midst of writing a paper.

2018 started out really rough.  Yet I'm not worried, as my comeback will far eclipse the instances of heartache and uncertainty that had me a bit off-balance for a while.

Rest in peace Tanya.

Stay blessed,

Sunday, January 28, 2018

7 years and counting...

It's taken me 7 years to realize two of my dreams.  I have completed both my Bachelor of Science and my Masters in Business Administration.

February 6th begins my big push for my doctorate.  Although I am a little nervous about writing my dissertation, I know that it will happen.  I find the pursuit of education to be stimulating, frustrating, joyful, mind-broadening, and eye-opening.

My faith in myself has grown by leaps and bounds, yet I'm worried that I will once again have an unbalanced life.  The end of my MBA journey was stressful and my mental and physical state suffered.

I'm pledging to myself that I will be kinder to myself.  I will continue to take time off for self-care, I will correct myself gently, and always give thanks for the blessing of having the opportunity to follow my dreams.

I pray that each of you does the same, no matter where you are in pursuit of your own dreams.

Stay blessed,

I would like to marry again

As humans, we are always going to be a work in progress. Realizing that, I won't make that type of commitment with someone, who at my age, has had "potential" for 30-40 years and has done nothing to develop it. I need to be with someone who has lived up to his potential to the best of his ability, and is still striving to improve. I'm not just referring to financially, because Lord knows so many of us are constantly facing setbacks on this front. Emotionally, spiritually and mentally my second husband will need to be on firm ground, with an eye towards reaching higher ground as I am. As life mates, these areas are where we will continue grow together. Encouraging, leading, holding up and holding down each other on behalf of "Team Us", with love, laughter, prayer, and acceptance. Being unevenly yoked in a marriage is no joke! It is soul sucking, physically and mentally draining 24/7. I continue to work on myself, I surround myself with like minded people. I have no desire to be on an emotional rollercoaster with the rest of my life partner. I am confident that my new "Mr. is out there, working his way towards me, as I am towards him.

Stay blessed,