My son is an honorable man, who despite being left behind by his father, is a terrific Daddy. For those who parent children, you know there's a big difference. He's a partner to my future daughter in law. So on the eve of his wedding I say:
Son, I want you to know that relationships are never 50/50. In order to be successful that they must give 100/100. There are days when you will give less and she will give more and vice versa. Stand together in all things. Agree to disagree, and let it go. Ensure that the sanctity of your union is preserved. Several times each and every day, fall in love with her all over again. Live Ephesians 5:25. Always, put God, first, then your wife.
Bear in mind that your children will look to you for guidance. Your son as to how to treat his wife, and your daughter as to how to be treated. The memories you both make now for them will sustain them throughout their lives. Remember, your life is your message to your children, make it inspirational.
Be good to each other. Your Momma loves you!
Stay blessed,