As I sit here with my feet up on the ottoman watching Pickers with RLW, I'm glad to made have it to this point. The last two weeks of 2010 were frustrating and stressful. So much so that I lost my center, and took the eye off the prize. Let's just say that finding out closing on the NY place may not take place at all, put a crimp in my celebration.
Fuss had a great Christmas, the bonus of being the only baby in the family. She's still too young to grasp the concept of Santa Claus, or the birth of the baby Jesus. However, she was overjoyed with her play kitchen. I forgot to purchase food for the kitchen, and was pleasantly surprised to see her imagination kick into gear as she prepared meals for every one. Dinner brought my cousins over and it was a terrific evening.
Mom moved into her new apartment 1.1.11. It's really a cute place. I'm hopeful that she's have a great life here in Houston.
RLW and I are plugging along. As I said in an earlier post, meshing two lives is a process. Thankfully, we're both committed to making this work so the drama factor is extremely low.
There's more I want to say, but I just realized it's almost 11:30 and I need to get to bed. Time to finish the tea, and call it's a night.
Happy New Year ya'll. Let's make 2011 a great one. Be blessed!