Sunday, June 27, 2010

Will you be there?


There's a storm a'comin!

Faith, Biblical Interpretation, and a Good Friend

I recently reconnected with a friend from my past. Surprisingly we seemed to pick up where we left in terms of conversation and being at ease with each other. In fact, life and all it's lessons make it easier for us to relate as there is none of that teenaged angst thing going on LOL.

Anyway one of the things I enjoy discussing with him is religion. The original bad boy has a knowledge of the bible that astounds me. I am not a person who attends church regularly, yet my belief, faith, reliance on God and all He is has always been strong. What surprises me is my friend being in agreement on the bible being taught according to the interpretation of the religious figure. I don't ever remember anyone agreeing with that premise, much less the willingness to see another point of view

Hoping you have someone who you can discuss all sorts of things with as I do.
