Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Without so much as a kiss..you've been screwed

Minimum payment on credit cards is being raised! It is raising from the existing 2% of the outstanding balance to 4%. For those of you who can handle it, wonderful, for those who can't you're further screwed. Now I know we all mean to pay off our credit cards, but face it, stuff happens. Well you better make doubly sure that stuff doesn't happen. The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, which became effective October 17, 2005, made it more difficult to erase debts by filing for bankruptcy. Coincidence that this happened prior to the doubling of minimum credit card balances? I think not

Complaints by banks and other financial services companies who believe that the banktuptcy laws have been abused by gamblers, compulsive shoppers, and others, have finally been heard

So before you take that plastic out for the holiday season, think about it, is free shipping and handling worth it in the long run?

Friday, December 02, 2005

Tivo and my holiday spirit

Yes, it's that time of the year. Life Time Television has a never ending line up of gooey holiday movies, and I've TiVoed them all! It has so put me in the Christmas spirit. Before those of you are part of this never ending mission to de-Christianize everything get started, I celebrate Christmas! I go and host Christmas parties, bake and eat Christmas pies and cookies, yada, yada. I don't Holiday anything!

OK back to how TiVo has revived my Christmas Spirit....NO COMMERCIALS!!!!!! I don't have to watch those inane Madison Avenue offerings where, not to spend to you're way past broke, is a crime across all religions. It's absolutely wonderful!!!! I get to watch the movie, cry at the end, and never see some scantily clad anorexic woman pushing the latest widget that costs the earth.

It's a wonderful Tivo life