Monday, January 19, 2009

By His Grace and Mercy, in a few hours

I will be a witness to history being made. I can't help but remember all those who gave their lives for this moment. In particular, I'm remembering my loved ones who are no longer here to see the dream come true. It is for them, my Grand daughter and for America that I cast my vote on November 7, 2007.

President Elect Obama, I pray you have the strength, wisdom, compassion and the courage of your convictions to steer the ship of state with a steady hand, I also pray that no weapon formed against you prosper.

Once again I am blessed,

Saturday, January 03, 2009

RIP Grandpa

Tomorrow is the 15th anniversary of my Granpa's passing. It's funny but it doesn't seem like he's gone. JB has so many of his ways. I have so many wonderful memories of him, and I can still hear him cracking jokes in my ear.

Arnold Sherman Whitten was a quiet man, who loved his family fiercely. He was a slender man who made up in greatness what he lacked in stature.

I miss ya Gramps, you would have gotten a kick out of the upcoming inauguration.

The Holidays Over

Wow they went by fast.

I'm so broke I can't pay attention. Now I have to take down the tree, put away the decorations, and clean up the leftovers that may still be hiding in the fridge.

Fuss seemed to have a good time. She'll be a year old next Sunday! She received a bike, some toys and lots of clothing. She also had many people holding and kissing her, I was surprised she wasn't waterlogged LOL. She hung in for almost 10 hours, but the next two days were not really good for her. She was over tired. On the third day she slept 12 straight hours and woke up with a smile. Since then she's been the usual smiley faced little joy bringer we're so in love with.

I'm still happily Freecycling, both giving and receiving. Got Fuss a bike helmet and a baby gate, the latter I'm sure she does not appreciate. Have some things to give away tomorrow. My rule is for every one thing I bring in the house 10 things must leave. I'm hoping that by the end of winter, I can actually find necessary items without burrowing through things I neither want, need, or have use for any longer.

Be blessed,