Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010

Wow is this year really so close to being over?  It seemed while I was going through all the drama that the day would never end, much less an entire year!

I'm thankful for so many things, that I can't list them all.  My family has managed to hang on to all it's members, despite Uncle Tommy's cancer.  He got a clean bill of health a few weeks ago.  God is so good all the time.

My Girlfriends are yet another source of strength.  They have prayed me through so many bad times this past year.  I can't imagine not being able to lean on them, and hopefully they know I'm here praying for them.

McKenna has settled in to her routine.   Darn Dane thinks she's a puppy and at any given time starts bounding and jumping around like she's 10 lbs instead of 110 lbs.  She and Fuss have their moments, and even though Mac tries to push her around (literally) my 2 year old grand daughter is having none of it.

My son has been a constant source of amazement.  God has made him into a fine, responsible young man.  He loves the stuffing out of his daughter, and the feeling is returned one thousand fold.  Reminds me of how I idolized my own Dad.

Mom will soon relocate here, and I'm sure that will bring many more challenges and opportunities.  I'm hoping she'll like her new home town and love it here as much as I do.

Well, even though I'm not "officially" cooking, I do have my collards on the back burner and my sweet potato pie in the oven.  Time to check on them.  Have a blessed, happy Thanksgiving.  Cherish the good people in your life over any material things you may or may not have.

Sending love,

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Here it is a mere 3 months later

and I've since picked up a fiancee and no desire whatsoever to plan a wedding. A 23 minute talk with my Mom and my cousin convinced me that I was not even close wanting to fight over details. After the the 5th "you don't want that" and "oh no, you can't do that", was sorry I even mentioned a wedding.

So, my "young" man and I are off to the Justice of the Peace at some point. At some point in the future, we will or won't have a reception. I'm still holding out for a party outside where our two families can informally mix/mingle and get to know each other.

On the other hand, we can just take the $$ and go on a cruise, which is what he really wants to do.