Monday, February 23, 2009

Wow, it's been more than a minute since I've been here

On one hand so much has happened in this, the first quarter of 2009.  On the other hand, I'm wondering what else can happen in this first quarter of 2009.

I've had some really good things, and some really bad things happen to me personally.  Not to worry, I'm not bipolar, in fact that's the only thing I'm sure I'm not.  I've gained and lost the same 6 pounds, three times already.  That's the fault of King Arthur's scone mix, and double devon cream.

I'm currently fighting allergies, and I'm sad to say too many times, they win.  My family is healthy, if not always happy, and so far we've managed to keep our jobs, roofs over our heads, and food in our stomachs.  Not an easy accomplish in these economic times

I'm hoping you and yours are keeping safe, and appreciating each other for the gifts you have.

Battered, but still blessed

Tuesday, February 03, 2009