Relative position or rank on a scale
A relative degree, as of achievement, intensity, or concentration
A natural or proper position, place, or stage
OK so those of you who know me personally, realize this ain't the case. However, I'm working on it.
Life in flux
My only child is a senior in high school @ the age of 16. As we performed the rituals associated with this, it dawned on me that my life is going to change drastically as well. Kidlet's attendance at an "away college" would mean, I'll be even less of a full time Mom, than I am now. What on earth am I going to do? It seems like just yesterday my Mom and I were doing this for me!! When did that adorable baby who called me "Mum-Mum" become old enough to go to college. Nothing like watching your child go from a sonogram picture to a person who drives off in your car, to realize just how fast time passes.
My Base
My religious beliefs, although different from many, are guideposts for my life. I love the Lord. He's moved/diminished the mountains in my path, and in spite of my misguided efforts , has brought me up the rough side of the remaining mountains renews and deepens that love daily.
My Girlfriends
Where would I be without them? I pray I never find out. They are many, they are spread out over the globe and encompass all walks of life. They are my sisters, and I love each of them for sharing the gift of their friendship with me.
I'm sitting in the middle of the bed watching a week of Oprah (thank you TiVo), and trying not to tense up over going back to work after being off for an entire week. This is the first time I can recall in all my working career, taking a week off, and doing nothing or, only what I felt like doing. It was great, and aside from completing all my dental work in 2 weeks, is exactly what I'm going to do for at least a month, once I pick the winning lottery numbers. LOL