Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Vanilla Gift Card - NOT

I purchased one of the Vanilla Gift Cards for a holiday gift. As it turned out, I decided to send something else instead. Thank goodness I did.

This card is the worst thing to ever hit the market. Just trying to get the balance (I wanted to know if I had to go back to the store and get a refund) took 15 minutes on the internet. I had to enter the same numbers over and over again until they were recognized.

I've tried to use it several times, including Wal-mart and Sam's Club (where it was purchased). It simply doesn't at any brick and mortar store I've shopped in the weeks since I purchased it. Finally I decided to use it to purchase the ITunes items. It went through. Great so at 5:30am I toddle off to Wal-mart for some gift boxes and seasoned bread cubes for stuffing. You guessed it DECLINED. UGH! I then discovered I'm not the only one to experience this problem

I will go on line later and see if I can pay my telephone bill with the balance. If not, then I'l go online to ITunes and see if i can buy one of their gift cards.

Silverton Bank, NA, you'll never have to worry about me purchasing one of your products again. From what I'm reading on the web, there are a few hundred others who feel the same way.

Vanilla Gift Card Complaints

Blessed so I refuse to be stressed,

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

If I were a Rich Man

there are many great songs in this movie, however, this is my favorite. When I was younger I'd stand up and sing along with him.  Topol had a great voice.  Thanks for sharing it with the world.

"ya da dee da da
 ya da da
ya da da 

Monday, December 22, 2008

From a GF...great questions

This week's topic: Ask Yourself These Five Questions Before the Year Ends

Dear Friends,

I pray this Christmas will be blessed, joyful and peaceful for you. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, please remember the reason for the season! We are near the end of another year and I thought this would be a great time to pose five important questions for you. We become wiser when we ask ourselves the right questions and discover answers that focus us in the right direction. The right questions can offer you an opportunity to grow and consider better possibilities for your life. Over the next week, ponder these important five questions as you close out yet another year.

1. What is the biggest lesson God has offered me over the last year?
When we take time to learn the lessons that our trials and triumphs teach us, God is able to mold our character and use us in greater ways. When you ignore the lessons of life, you often find yourself repeating the same mistakes and enduring the same challenges time and time again.

2. What is my "divine assignment" at this stage of my life?
Our purpose can transform over a lifetime. In order to remain in synch with God's timing and purposes, we must seek His "assignment" in the various seasons of our lives.

3. This time next year, what would I like to see different in my life? In other words, what's my vision?
You need a vision for where you are going in the coming year. No matter how insignificant you think your life is, God wants you to be deliberate about setting goals and moving forward. God's word tells us to "write the vision and make it plain" (Habakkuk 3:2). That means we should write it down and make it clear and specific. Don't overwhelm yourself with a lot of "New Year's resolutions." Instead, choose something meaningful, even if it is a seemingly small change, and take deliberate steps forward.

4. What have I been procrastinating about?
Putting off goals and things that God has laid on your heart to do is stressful. Fear is often the culprit and the New Year is a great time to ask yourself if it is time to get unstuck and pursue certain goals or drop them altogether, thus freeing yourself from the burden of an incomplete task hanging over your head.

5. How could I make more of a positive difference in the lives of others in the next 12 months?
Our lives really aren't about us. They are about the purpose for which we were created. What is it that you'd like to do by this time next year that will impact others in a meaningful and positive way?

My challenge to you this week:
Be reflective this week and notice what you've learned and what you've accomplished this year. Celebrate your progress.

Journaling assignment:
Answer each of the five questions posed this week. Is there an important shift or change you need to make as a result of the lessons and events of your life in 2008?

Merry Christmas!

Am I the only one wondering

Why the airlines haven't stopped charging to check bags? If I recall correctly it was due t the high cost of fuel. Sooooo what's the new excuse to gouge the passengers now? Just wondering

Be blessed,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I was in a mall today

Something I try to avoid at all costs. However since my favorite nail salon is there, I screwed up my courage and took the plunge. Including the customers in the salon I think I saw a whopping 25 people in the entire mall!

Wow, are we all staying spending within our means, or pointing and clicking our way into debt?

Be blessed,

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Guess I'm no Magician

Ya'll know I'm an extremely blessed Black woman. I know from where my strength flows. I stand strong on the solidness of the love and support of my family and friends. Even Baby Dawg shows me love constantly

However, with all of that I question why am I single? Why is there no "magic" in my life

Maybe I'll find the answer to that question, and from there solve for Mr. Right.

If you are in a happy and healthy relationship, don't take it for granted. Let your partner know they're your blessing.

Looking forward to the holidays! Maybe next year I'll find my magic

Monday, December 08, 2008

Spoke with Elizabeth

We haven't had a good chat in 9.5 years! Anyone listening in would have never guessed it. LOL. We picked up where we left off like we spoke last night. It was wonderful letting my hair down Brooklyn style.

I really do miss my friend. She sustained me though the early, difficult days of single parenthood. Our children were friends, hitting the same challenges and milestones around the same time. A hug was never far away. Cuddling each other's child when they needed it was not only safe, but our boys expected whomever was near to provide them comfort. My son still says "droove" because as he would say "my attorney" says its a word.

I remember to this day, the first time I saw Elizabeth. I remember thinking she's the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I was right, her inner beauty has far eclipsed her outer beauty, and that's saying something.

Once again, I'm reminded of how very blessed I am.

Once again, I am praying you can say the same.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Yeah I you will too

While shopping in a food store, two nuns happened to pass by the beer, wine and liquor section. One asked the other if she would like a beer. The second nun answered that, indeed, it would be very nice to have one, but that she would feel uncomfortable about purchasing it.

The first nun replied that she would handle that without a problem. She picked up a six-pack and took it to the cashier. The cashier had a surprised look, so the nun said, "This is for washing our hair."

Without blinking an eye, the cashier reached under the counter and put a package of pretzel sticks in the bag with the beer. "The curlers are on me."

For some reason, the clerk's response made me think of my brother KD. I can imagine him saying the same thing to the nuns.

: D

Be blessed,

The yesterday is gone, and today but a few minutes old.

it was a long, exhausting day. I can't believe my feet hurt, despite wearing socks and comfortable sneakers. Got a lot done, still a lot to be done.

Writing that sentence, and looking around my unkempt living room reminds me of a story I read once. It was about a man who had an intellectually challenged wife. He told her that she had to get everything ready because the holidays were coming. Lo and behold two men knock on the door. She asks them if they were the Holidays. I forget the middle of the story, but I do remember that the man returns home from work to find his entire house devoid of furniture and food.

It's a story that pops into my mind when I hear people say they're getting ready for the holidays.

But I digress.

I ended my day by sitting in front of a blazing fire with Princess sleeping on her bed. No one rang the phone, or knocked on the door. It was a great evening...even if I did partially burn the ground turkey for the lasagna.

I'm blessed with a place to live and food to eat (scorched parts and all). In these very hard economic times, I pray that you can say the same.

Be blessed,

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


This past week a friend of mine had to put her 16 year old cat down. I may have met the kitty once, back in 90's when I visited her one time, but I can't remember.

My heart ached for my friend. She's had a rough couple of years, and even the not so rough ones, have had more bumps than I would have wanted for her.

If you are blessed to have a furbaby, go show them some lovin. Like humans we don't know when they won't be in our lives any more.

Rest in Peace JessieKitty.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


I'm so glad it's in existence! I was able to give away a lot of stuff I would have either taken to the dumpster or (eventually) to the good will. I even gave away office supplies.  The best part is the people who want this come to you! HeHeHe!  Works for me.

"Changing the world one gift at a time" is Freecycle's official tagline.

If you don't use them, then get with the program.  Stop throwing away good stuff.

Rest In Peace Mama Africa

Sunrise 4 March 1932
Sunset 10 November 2008

My Old ladies. Y'all missed out by not having them in your lives.

A friend of mine sent a link to me. It was an interview with Bill Withers before his induction into the WV Hall of Fame. The man is still easy on the eye, and his voice can still envelop you. I didn't know he was from WV, but I digress. His song "Grandma's Hands" has always made me think of my Great Grandma, and Grandma's rolled up into one.

Agnes S., Catherine W., Frances S. and Emily K. Women who walk in and out of my mind frequently. I love you all so much. The knowledge that I'll never be loved up by you has me fighting back tears as I type. If my Fuss loves me 1/4 as much as I love you ladies, then I will have been a success as a Grandma.

"Grandma's hands
Used to hand me piece of candy
Grandma's hands
Picked me up each time I fell
Grandma's hands
Boy, they really came in handy"

My blessings started with them.